Success Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty

1 success

1.1 effectiveness of uppp in isolation
1.2 effectiveness of stanford protocol operation
1.3 multilevel approach

the effectiveness of uppp in isolation

when uppp has been administered in isolation, results variable. explained above, sleep apnea caused multiple co-existing obstructions @ various locations of airway such nasal cavity, , particularly base of tongue. contributing factors in variability of success include pre-surgical size of tonsils, palate, uvula , tongue base. also, patients morbidly obese (body mass index >40 kg/m2) less have success surgery.

effectiveness of stanford protocol operation

over 1 thousand people have undergone stanford protocol operation , received follow-up sleep study testing. 60 70 percent of patients have been entirely cured. in approximately ninety percent of patients, significant improvement can expected.

multilevel approach

in recent years, many surgeons have tried address multiple levels of obstruction performing multiple procedures on same surgical day, called multi-level approach . typical surgeries in multi-level approach may include:

nasal-level surgeries

turbinoplasty, septoplasty, septorhinoplasty

soft palate-level surgeries

uvulectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, tonsillectomy

hypopharyngeal-level surgeries

hyoid suspension
tongue suspension
tongue base reduction
genioglossus advancement

this approach improves postoperative results in well-selected patients.


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