Phase 2: Explosive eruption 2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull

1 phase 2: explosive eruption

1.1 ash analysis
1.2 impact on farming
1.3 timeline of second eruption phase

phase 2: explosive eruption

photograph satellite aqua showing ash plume on north atlantic @ 13:30 gmt on 15 april

the estimated ash cloud @ 18:00 gmt on 15 april.

after short hiatus in eruptive activity, new set of craters opened in morning of 14 april 2010 under volcano s ice-covered central summit caldera. prior event, large increase in seismic activity detected between 23:00 on 13 april , 1:00 on 14 april. earthquake swarm followed onset of seismic eruption tremor. meltwater started emanate ice cap around 07:00 on 14 april , eruption plume observed in morning. visual observations restricted due cloud cover on volcano, aeroplane of icelandic coast guard imaged eruptive craters radar instruments. series of vents along 2-km-long north-south-oriented fissure active, meltwater flowing down northern slopes of volcano, south. ash-loaded eruption plume rose more 8 km (5.0 mi), deflected east westerly winds.

ash analysis

upper: ash covers thórsmörk valley in june 2010, after eruption lower: same area, in september 2011

samples of volcanic ash collected near eruption showed silica concentration of 58%—much higher in lava flows. concentration of water-soluble fluoride one-third of concentration typical in hekla eruptions, mean value of 104 mg of fluoride per kg of ash. agriculture important in region of iceland, , farmers near volcano have been warned not let livestock drink contaminated streams , water sources, high concentrations of fluoride can have deadly renal , hepatic effects, particularly in sheep.

impact on farming

the icelandic food , veterinary authority released announcement on 18 april 2010, asking horse owners keep herds outside on alert ash fall. ash fall significant, horses had sheltered indoors. thick layer of ash had fallen on icelandic pastures , farms @ raufarfell had become wet , compact, making difficult continue farming, harvesting, or grazing livestock.

timeline of second eruption phase

unlike earlier eruption phase, second phase occurred beneath glacial ice. cold water melted ice chilled lava, causing fragment highly abrasive glass particles carried eruption plume. this, magnitude of eruption (estimated vei 4) , being 10 20 times larger eruption of fimmvörðuháls on 20 march, injected glass-rich ash plume jet stream.

in addition volcanic ash being hazardous aircraft, location of eruption directly under jet stream ensured ash carried heavily used airspace on northern , central europe.


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