Products Stannah Lifts

1 products

1.1 stairlift division
1.2 access & passenger lift division
1.3 service & goods lift division
1.4 escalator division
1.5 lift servicing

stairlift division

the company s stairlift division manufactures new stairlifts purchase or rental, reconditioning pre-used units. 5 models produced both straight, curved , external staircases, units run on rail fitted stair tread , powered via mains-charged battery. lift controlled control pod or joystick attached arm of seat (depending on model), remote controller. models fitted seatbelt , safety edges, stop lift if obstruction encountered. solus , sofia models fitted seat load sensor, prevents movement of lift unless occupant safely seated.

access & passenger lift division

the company provides range of passenger , platform lifts.

inclined platform lifts - stairiser inclined platform lifts access solution if building cannot accommodate vertical lift. stairiser carries 1 person safely on straight or curved stairway, seated in wheelchair or on seat provided on lift. when lift not in use folds neatly away leave stairway free pedestrian use.

vertical platform lifts - midilifts designed provide easy alternative stairs travel 12 metres. 4 product ranges available: lowriser, simple low rise open platforms wheelchair users; midilift sl, standard platform lifts , midilift slplus , midilift xlplus, top-of-the-range cabin platform lifts. midilifts supplied either in skeleton structure or own structure-supported enclosure, can fitted either steel or glass panels, or combination of two. quick , easy install, vertical platform lifts require minimum of builders work, making them extremely cost-effective access solutions.

passenger lifts - maxilift 2.0 range: 6-13 persons - low/medium rise , medium use travel 15m. lift system either wall-mounted or supported independent structure, , powered either conventional lift motor (mounted in separate lift motor room), hydraulic drive system or traction motor.

the xtralift range designed high-use applications , available in 6 standard models between 17 persons / 1250 kg , 33 persons / 2500 kg. lifts in range fitted within modular structure , driven traction motor.

service & goods lift division

the goodsmaster range of goods lift produced in number of sizes, maximum capacity of 1500 kg. these structure-supported systems provided load weighing device , alarm, , can manned or unmanned. unmanned lifts controlled control panel installed @ each floor level, manned lifts having panel located in cabin. trolleylift range of similar specification, maximum capacity of 300 kg. microlift range of dumb waiters has rated capacities of 50 kg , 100 kg, , available in models designed restricted headrooms , spaces. includes double decker version, incorporating 2 cars in single shaft.

escalator division

the company s escalator division produces escalators , moving walkways, available horizontal or inclined units.

lift servicing

stannah has set nationwide network of 11 service branches in united kingdom provide maintenance , repair thousands of lifts, manufacturers. company has more 360 employees , provides maintenance on 84,000 lift products nationwide.


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