Privileges of office Prime Minister of Australia

1 privileges of office

1.1 salary
1.2 allowances
1.3 after office

privileges of office

on 1 july 2017, australian government s remuneration tribunal adjusted prime ministerial salary, raising current amount of $527,852.


prime ministers curtin, fadden, hughes, menzies , governor-general duke of gloucester 2nd left, in 1945.

whilst in office, prime minister has 2 official residences. primary official residence lodge in canberra. prime ministers have chosen lodge primary residence because of security facilities , close proximity parliament house. there have been exceptions, however. james scullin preferred live @ hotel canberra (now hyatt hotel) , ben chifley lived in hotel kurrajong. more recently, john howard used sydney prime ministerial residence, kirribilli house, primary accommodation. on appointment on 24 june 2010, julia gillard said not living in lodge until such time returned office popular vote @ next general election. (she became prime minister mid-term after replacing incumbent, kevin rudd, resigned in face of unwinnable party-room ballot.) during first term, rudd had staff @ lodge consisting of senior chef , assistant chef, child carer, 1 senior house attendant, , 2 junior house attendants. @ kirribilli house in sydney, there 1 full-time chef , 1 full-time house attendant. official residences staffed , catered both prime minister , family. in addition, both have extensive security facilities. these residences regularly used official entertaining, such receptions australian of year finalists.

the prime minister receives number of transport amenities official business. royal australian air force s no. 34 squadron transports prime minister within australia , overseas specially converted boeing business jets , smaller challenger aircraft. aircraft contain secure communications equipment office, conference room , sleeping compartments. call-sign aircraft envoy . ground travel, prime minister transported in armoured bmw 7 series model (a german-made car, rather british). referred c-1 , or commonwealth one, because of licence plate. escorted police vehicles state , federal authorities.

after office

prime ministers granted privileges after leaving office, such office accommodation, staff assistance, , life gold pass, entitles holder travel within australia non-commercial purposes @ government expense.

only 1 prime minister had left federal parliament ever returned. stanley bruce defeated in own seat in 1929 while prime minister, re-elected parliament in 1931. other prime ministers elected parliaments other australian federal parliament: sir george reid elected uk house of commons (after term high commissioner uk); , frank forde re-elected queensland parliament (after term high commissioner canada, , failed attempt re-enter federal parliament).

privileges of office


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