New Testament foundations Eucharist in the Catholic Church

the breaking of bread (fractio panis) in eucharist @ neocatechumenal way celebration

the first eucharist in scripture

the catholic church sees main basis belief words of jesus himself @ last supper: synoptic gospels (matthew 26-28; mark 14:22-24; luke 22:19-20) , saint paul s 1 corinthians 11:23-25 recount in context jesus said of appearances bread , wine: body … blood. catholic understanding of these words, patristic authors onward, has emphasized roots in covenantal history of old testament.

the gospel of john in chapter 6, discourse on bread of life, presents jesus saying: unless eat flesh of son of man , drink blood, not have life within you... whoever eats flesh , drinks blood remains in me , in him (john 6:53-56). according john, jesus did not tone down these sayings, when many of disciples abandoned him (john 6:66), shocked @ idea.

saint paul implied identity between apparent bread , wine of eucharist , body , blood of christ, when wrote: cup of blessing bless, not participation in blood of christ? bread break, not participation in body of christ? (1 corinthians 10:16). , elsewhere: therefore whoever eats bread or drinks cup of lord unworthily have answer body , blood of lord (1 corinthians 11:27).

moreover, , uniquely, in 1 prayer given posterity jesus, lord s prayer, word epiousios—which not exist elsewhere in classical greek literature—has been linguistically parsed mean super-substantial (bread), , interpreted vatican reference bread of life, eucharist.

other new testament accounts of eucharist

accounts of eucharist services in new testament often, though not always, denoted phrase breaking of bread. first example, after last supper, of phrase used in way recalls eucharist celebration occurs when, in gospel of luke, resurrected christ walked 2 disciples on way emmaus (see: road emmaus appearance). disciples unable recognize him until while @ table, took bread, said blessing, broke it, , gave them. eyes opened , recognized him. (luke 24:30-31) after returned jerusalem, 2 recounted had taken place on way , how made known them in breaking of bread. (luke 24:35) same phrase used describe core activity of first christian community: devoted teaching of apostles , communal life, breaking of bread , prayers... every day devoted meeting in temple area , breaking bread in homes (acts 2:42-47).


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