Eucharistic liturgy Eucharist in the Catholic Church

1 eucharistic liturgy

1.1 transubstantiation
1.2 minister of sacrament
1.3 receiving eucharist
1.4 matter sacrament
1.5 historical development
1.6 communion of reparation
1.7 nuptial mass , other ritual masses

eucharistic liturgy

eucharistic liturgy , mass terms used describe celebration of eucharist in western or latin liturgical rite of catholic church. term mass derived late latin word missa (dismissal), word used in concluding formula of mass in latin: ite, missa est ( go, dismissal made )


mass @ grotto @ lourdes. chalice displayed people after consecration of wine.

according catholic church, when bread , wine consecrated priest @ mass, cease bread , wine, , become instead precious body , blood of christ. empirical appearances , attributes not changed, underlying reality is. consecration of bread (known afterwards host) , wine represents separation of jesus body blood @ calvary; thus, separation represents death of christ. however, since according catholic dogma christ has risen, church teaches body , blood no longer separated, if appearances of bread , wine are. 1 is, other must be. called doctrine of concomitance. therefore, although priest (or minister) says, body of christ , when administering host, and, blood of christ , when presenting chalice, communicant receives either 1 receives christ, whole , entire— body, blood, soul, , divinity .

transubstantiation (from latin transsubstantiatio) change of substance of bread , wine of body , blood of christ, change that, according belief of catholic church, occurs in eucharist. concerns changed (the substance of bread , wine), not how change brought about.

substance here means in itself. (for more on philosophical concept, see substance theory.) hat s shape not hat itself, nor colour hat, nor size, nor softness touch, nor else perceptible senses. hat (the substance ) has shape, colour, size, softness , other appearances, distinct them. whereas appearances, referred philosophical term accidents perceptible senses, substance not.

when @ last supper jesus said: body , held in hands had appearances of bread. however, catholic church teaches underlying reality changed in accordance jesus said, substance of bread converted of body. in other words, body, while appearances open senses or scientific investigation still of bread, before. church believes same change of substance of bread , of wine occurs @ every catholic mass throughout world.

virgin mary host jean auguste dominique ingres

the catholic church accordingly believes through transubstantiation christ really, , substantially present under remaining appearances of bread , wine, , transformation remains long appearances remain. reason consecrated elements preserved, in church tabernacle, giving holy communion sick , dying, , secondary, still highly lauded, purpose of adoring christ present in eucharist.

in judgment of catholic church, concept of transubstantiation, accompanying unambiguous distinction between substance or underlying reality, , accidents or humanly perceptible appearances, safeguards against sees mutually opposed errors of, on 1 hand, merely figurative understanding of real presence of christ in eucharist (the change of substance real), and, on other hand, interpretation amount cannibalistic (a charge pagans leveled @ catholic christians did not understand rites of catholic church in considered unbloody sacrifice ) eating of flesh , corporal drinking of blood of christ (the accidents remain real, not illusion) , christ really, truly, , substantially present in eucharist, not physically present, physically present in judea of 2 millennia ago).

some put forward idea transubstantiation concept intelligible in terms of aristotelian philosophy. earliest known use of term transubstantiation describe change bread , wine body , blood of christ hildebert de lavardin, archbishop of tours (died 1133) in 1079, long before latin west, under influence of saint thomas aquinas (c. 1227-1274), accepted aristotelianism. (the university of paris founded between 1150 , 1170.) term substance (substantia) reality of in use earliest centuries of latin christianity, when spoke of son being of same substance (consubstantialis) father. corresponding greek term οὐσία son said ὁμοούσιος father , change of bread , wine body , blood of christ called μετουσίωσις . doctrine of transubstantiation independent of aristotelian philosophical concepts, , these not , not dogmata of church.

minister of sacrament

roman catholic priest in sicily distributing eucharist child @ first holy communion

the minister of eucharist (someone can consecrate eucharist) validly ordained priest (bishop or presbyter). acts in person of christ, representing christ, head of church, , acts before god in name of church. several priests may concelebrate same offering of eucharist.

others, not priests, may act extraordinary ministers of holy communion, distributing sacrament others, not ministers of eucharist, ordinary or extraordinary. reason of sacred ordination, ordinary ministers of holy communion bishop, priest , deacon, whom belongs therefore administer holy communion lay members of christ s faithful during celebration of mass. in addition ordinary ministers there formally instituted acolyte, virtue of institution extraordinary minister of holy communion outside celebration of mass. if, moreover, reasons of real necessity prompt it, lay member of christ s faithful may delegated diocesan bishop, in accordance norm of law, 1 occasion or specified time. finally, in special cases of unforeseen nature, permission can given single occasion priest presides @ celebration of eucharist.

extraordinary ministers of holy communion not called eucharistic ministers , extraordinary ones, since imply they, too, somehow transubstantiate bread , wine body , blood of christ.

extraordinary ministers may distribute holy communion @ eucharistic celebrations when there no ordained ministers present or when ordained ministers present @ liturgical celebration unable distribute holy communion. may exercise function @ eucharistic celebrations there particularly large numbers of faithful , excessively prolonged because of insufficient number of ordained ministers distribute holy communion. when there necessity may extraordinary ministers assist priest celebrant in accordance norm of law.

receiving eucharist

person conscious of grave [mortal] sin not celebrate mass or receive body of lord without previous sacramental confession unless there grave reason , there no opportunity confess; in case person remember obligation make act of perfect contrition includes resolution of confessing possible. in countries custom has arisen whereby reason, such not being catholic or not being in state of grace, or not old enough receive communion, cannot receive communion may arms crossed approach priest distributing eucharist , receive him blessing instead.

a rule catholics members of latin church is: person receive holy eucharist abstain @ least 1 hour before holy communion food , drink, except water , medicine. eastern catholics obliged follow rules of own particular churches, require longer period of fasting.

catholics must make outward sign of reverence before receiving. when receiving holy communion, communicant bows or head before sacrament gesture of reverence , receives body of lord minister. consecrated host may received either on tongue or in hand, @ discretion of each communicant. when holy communion received under both kinds, sign of reverence made before receiving precious blood.

catholics may receive communion during mass or outside mass, person has received holy eucharist can receive second time on same day within eucharistic celebration in person participates , except viaticum (code of canon law, canon 917).

in western church, administration of holy eucharist children requires have sufficient knowledge , careful preparation understand mystery of christ according capacity , able receive body of christ faith , devotion.

in western church, administration of holy eucharist children requires have sufficient knowledge , careful preparation understand mystery of christ according capacity , able receive body of christ faith , devotion. holy eucharist, however, can administered children in danger of death if can distinguish body of christ ordinary food , receive communion reverently (code of canon law, canon 913). in catholic schools in united states , canada, children typically receive first communion in second grade. in eastern catholic churches, eucharist administered infants after baptism , confirmation (chrismation).

holy communion may received under 1 kind (the sacred host alone), or under both kinds (both sacred host , precious blood). holy communion has fuller form sign when distributed under both kinds. in form sign of eucharistic banquet more evident , clear expression given divine new , eternal covenant ratified in blood of lord, relationship between eucharistic banquet , eschatological banquet in father s kingdom... (however,) christ, whole , entire, , true sacrament, received under 1 species, , consequently far effects concerned, receive under 1 species not deprived of of grace necessary salvation (general instruction of roman missal).

diocesan bishop given faculty permit communion under both kinds whenever may seem appropriate priest whom, own shepherd, community has been entrusted, provided faithful have been instructed , there no danger of profanation of sacrament or of rite s becoming difficult because of large number of participants or other reason (general instruction of roman missal).

in eastern catholic churches eucharist received under both species (bread , wine), done @ mass in west until opposite custom came use, beginning in twelfth century.

with change receiving eucharist under both kinds receiving under form of bread alone, became customary in west receive host placed directly on tongue, rather on hand, prescribed neither roman missal nor code of canon law. since late twentieth century many episcopal conferences allow communicants (at personal discretion) receive host on hand, except when communion distributed intinction (partly dipping host in chalice before distributing it).

the general instruction of roman missa, 118 mentions communion-plate communion of faithful , distinct paten, prevent host or fragments of falling on ground.

non-catholics may receive eucharist in special situations:

§1. catholic ministers administer sacraments licitly catholic members of christian faithful alone, likewise receive them licitly catholic ministers alone, without prejudice prescripts of §§2, 3, , 4 of canon, , ⇒ can. 861, §2.

§2. whenever necessity requires or true spiritual advantage suggests it, , provided danger of error or of indifferentism avoided, christian faithful whom physically or morally impossible approach catholic minister permitted receive sacraments of penance, eucharist, , anointing of sick non-catholic ministers in churches these sacraments valid.

§3. catholic ministers administer sacraments of penance, eucharist, , anointing of sick licitly members of eastern churches not have full communion catholic church if seek such on own accord , disposed. valid members of other churches in judgment of apostolic see in same condition in regard sacraments these eastern churches.

§4. if danger of death present or if, in judgment of diocesan bishop or conference of bishops, other grave necessity urges it, catholic ministers administer these same sacraments licitly other christians not having full communion catholic church, cannot approach minister of own community , seek such on own accord, provided manifest catholic faith in respect these sacraments , disposed. (some dioceses have allowed pastors make determination regards in hospitals, nursing homes, , correctional centers.)

§5. cases mentioned in §§2, 3, , 4, diocesan bishop or conference of bishops not issue general norms except after consultation @ least local competent authority of interested non-catholic church or community. (code of canon law, canon 844)

matter sacrament

the bread used eucharist must wheaten only, , made, , wine must natural, made grapes, , not corrupt. bread unleavened in latin, armenian , ethiopic rites, leavened in eastern catholic churches. small quantity of water added wine.

the congregation divine worship provided guidance on character of bread , wine used roman catholics in letter bishops dated 15 june 2017. included instructions concerning gluten-free or low-gluten bread , non-alcoholic substitutes wine.

historical development

whether agape feast, full meal held christians in first centuries, in cases associated celebration of eucharist uncertain. in case, abuses connected celebration of full meal, abuses denounced apostles paul , jude, led distinct celebration of eucharist. form of celebration in middle of second century described justin martyr similar today s eucharistic rites known in west mass , in of east divine liturgy. regular celebration held each week on day called sunday, christians calling lord s day. included readings scripture, homily, prayer all, prayer president of brethren on bread , wine mixed water, respond amen , , distribution present of on have been given, while deacons take portions absent. there collection widows , orphans , in need because of reasons such sickness. justin wrote christians did not receive bread , wine mixed water on thanksgiving pronounced , called Εὐχαριστία (the eucharist - literally, thanksgiving), common bread , common drink, having been taught food blessed prayer of word, , our blood , flesh transmutation nourished, flesh , blood of jesus made flesh.

pope benedict xvi celebrates eucharist @ canonization of frei galvão in são paulo, brazil on 11 may 2007.

as justin indicated, word eucharist greek word εὐχαριστία (eucharistia), means thanksgiving. catholics typically restrict term communion reception of body , blood of christ communicants during celebration of mass , communion of saints.

earlier still, in 106, saint ignatius of antioch criticized abstain eucharist , public prayer, because not admit eucharist self-same body of our savior jesus christ, [flesh] suffered our sins, , father in goodness raised again (epistle smyrnaeans 6, 7). similarly, st. ambrose of milan countered objections doctrine, writing may perhaps say: bread ordinary. bread bread before words of sacraments; consecration has entered in, bread becomes flesh of christ (the sacraments, 333/339-397 a.d. v.2,1339,1340).

the earliest known use, in 1079, of term transubstantiation describe change bread , wine body , blood of christ hildebert de savardin, archbishop of tours (died 1133). did in response berengar of tours declaring eucharist symbolic. long before latin west, under influence of saint thomas aquinas (c. 1227-1274), accepted aristotelianism. (the university of paris founded between 1150 , 1170.)

in 1215, fourth lateran council used word transubstantiated in profession of faith, when speaking of change takes place in eucharist.

in 1551 council of trent officially defined consecration of bread , of wine, conversion made of whole substance of bread substance of body of christ our lord, , of whole substance of wine substance of blood; conversion is, holy catholic church, suitably , called transubstantiation. (session xiii, chapter iv; cf. canon ii).

the attempt twentieth-century catholic theologians present eucharistic change alteration of significance (transignification rather transubstantiation) rejected pope paul vi in 1965 encyclical letter mysterium fidei in 1968 credo of people of god, reiterated theological explanation of doctrine must hold twofold claim that, after consecration, 1) christ s body , blood present; , 2) bread , wine absent; , presence , absence real , not merely in mind of believer.

in encyclical ecclesia de eucharistia of 17 april 2003, pope john paul ii taught authority of bishops , priests function of vocation celebrate eucharist. governing authority flows priestly function, not other way around.

communion of reparation

receiving holy communion part of first friday devotions catholic devotion offer reparations sins through sacred heart of jesus. in visions of christ reported st. margaret mary alacoque in 17th century, several promises made people practice first fridays devotions, 1 of included final perseverance.

the devotion consists of several practices performed on first fridays of 9 consecutive months. on these days, person attend holy mass , receive communion. in many catholic communities practice of holy hour of meditation during exposition of blessed sacrament during first fridays encouraged.

nuptial mass , other ritual masses

holy communion @ nuptial mass

a nuptial mass mass within sacrament of marriage celebrated. other sacraments celebrated within mass. sacrament of orders, , normal, though not obligatory, sacrament of confirmation, of marriage. unless date chosen of major liturgical feast, prayers taken section of roman missal headed ritual masses . section has special texts celebration, within mass, of baptism, confirmation, anointing of sick, orders, , marriage, leaving confession (penance or reconciliation) sacrament not celebrated within celebration of eucharist. there texts celebrating, within mass, religious profession, dedication of church , several other rites.

if, of couple being married in catholic church, 1 not catholic, rite of marriage outside mass followed. however, if non-catholic has been baptized in name of 3 persons of trinity (and not in name of, say, jesus, baptismal practice in branches of christianity), then, in exceptional cases , provided bishop of diocese gives permission, may considered suitable celebrate marriage within mass, except that, according general law, communion not given non-catholic (rite of marriage, 8).


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