2009 presidential election Dalia Grybauskaitė

grybauskaitė giving interview during 2009 presidential campaign.

there 3 women , 4 men presidential candidates. opinion polls taken in february 2009 showed grybauskaitė undisputed leader in race. ran independent, although supported dominant conservative party ngos, including sąjūdis.

her campaign focused on domestic issues. after years of strong economic growth, lithuania faced deep recession, double-digit declines in economic indicators. unemployment rate rose 15.5% in march 2009, , january street protest against government s response recession turned violent. during campaign, grybauskaitė stressed need combat financial troubles protecting lowest incomes, simplifying lithuanian bureaucratic apparatus, , reviewing government s investment programme. promised more balanced approach in conducting foreign policy, primary constitutional role of lithuanian presidency.

grybauskaitė celebrating landslide victory in 2009.

the election held on 17 may 2009. grybauskaitė won in landslide, receiving 69,1% of valid vote. 51.6% turnout above threshold needed avoid runoff election. in winning election, grybauskaitė became not first female president of lithuania, won largest margin recorded in presidential elections.

political analysts attributed easy victory grybauskaitė s financial competence , ability avoid domestic scandals. international press quick dub lithuanian iron lady outspoken speech , black belt in karate. grybauskaitė, speaks lithuanian, english, russian, french , polish, has mentioned margaret thatcher , mahatma gandhi political role models.


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