Rare plants and animals Gwydir Forest

a capped former mine shaft. these home bats.

the piles of rock waste on former mine sites have proved ideal breeding grounds rare plants, , have resulted in designation of part of forest site of special scientific interest (sssi). specialised group of plants known metallophytes, being found around old metal workings. able extract minerals rock kill other species. principal species found on gwydir mine sites pennycress , forked spleenwort.

the capping of mine shafts safety reasons has resulted in ideal environment bats, , designation of special area of conservation (sac). in february 2001 lesser horseshoe bat (rhinolophus hipposideros) found hibernating in disused mine in forest, furthest north in uk species had been found. bat had been ringed juvenile in 1999 in forest of dean.

despite lack of photographic evidence, there have been on 100 reported sightings of pine martens in north wales in last decade, , pine marten dna recovered dropping found in gwydir forest in 1996.


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