Politics Austria

1 politics

1.1 since 2006
1.2 foreign relations
1.3 military
1.4 administrative divisions


the austrian parliament building in vienna.

the leopoldine wing of hofburg imperial palace in vienna, home offices of austrian president.

the parliament of austria located in vienna, country s largest city , capital. austria became federal, representative democratic republic through federal constitution of 1920. political system of second republic 9 states based on constitution of 1920, amended in 1929, reenacted on 1 may 1945.

the head of state federal president (bundespräsident), directly elected popular vote. chairman of federal government federal chancellor, appointed president. government can removed office either presidential decree or vote of no confidence in lower chamber of parliament, nationalrat. voting federal president , parliament used compulsory in austria, abolished in steps 1982 2004.

the parliament of austria consists of 2 chambers. composition of nationalrat (183 seats) determined every 5 years (or whenever nationalrat has been dissolved federal president on motion federal chancellor, or nationalrat itself) general election in every citizen on 16 years (since 2007) has voting rights. while there general threshold of 4% parties @ federal elections (nationalratswahlen), there remains possibility gain direct seat, or direktmandat, in 1 of 43 regional election districts.

the nationalrat dominant chamber in formation of legislation in austria. however, upper house of parliament, bundesrat, has limited right of veto (the nationalrat can—in cases—ultimately pass respective bill voting second time. referred beharrungsbeschluss, lit. vote of persistence ). convention, called Österreich -konvent convened on 30 june 2003 decide upon suggestions reform constitution, failed produce proposal receive two-thirds of votes in nationalrat necessary constitutional amendments and/or reform.

with legislative , executive, courts third column of austrian state powers. notably constitutional court (verfassungsgerichtshof) may exert considerable influence on political system ruling out laws , ordinances not in compliance constitution. since 1995, european court of justice may overrule austrian decisions in matters defined in laws of european union. austria implements decisions of european court of human rights, since european convention on human rights part of austrian constitution.

since 2006

federal chancellery on ballhausplatz.

after general elections held in october 2006, social democratic party (spÖ) emerged strongest party, , austrian people s party (Övp) came in second, having lost 8% of previous polling. political realities prohibited of 2 major parties forming coalition smaller parties. in january 2007 people s party , spÖ formed grand coalition social democrat alfred gusenbauer chancellor. coalition broke in june 2008.

elections in september 2008 further weakened both major parties (spÖ , Övp) still held 70% of votes, social democrats holding more other party. formed coalition werner faymann social democrats chancellor. green party came in third 11% of vote. fpÖ , deceased jörg haider s new party alliance future of austria, both on political right, strengthened during election taken received less 20% of vote.

in legislative elections of 2013, social democratic party received 27% of vote , 52 seats; people s party 24% , 47 seats, controlling majority of seats. freedom party received 40 seats , 21% of votes, while greens received 12% , 24 seats. 2 new parties, stronach , neos, received less 10% of vote, , 11 , 9 seats respectively.

foreign relations

the european parliament: austria 1 of 28 eu members.

the 1955 austrian state treaty ended occupation of austria following world war ii , recognised austria independent , sovereign state. on 26 october 1955, federal assembly passed constitutional article in austria declares of own free perpetual neutrality . second section of law stated in future times austria not join military alliances , not permit establishment of foreign military bases on territory . since then, austria has shaped foreign policy on basis of neutrality, rather different neutrality of switzerland.

austria began reassess definition of neutrality following fall of soviet union, granting overflight rights un-sanctioned action against iraq in 1991, , since 1995, has developed participation in eu s common foreign , security policy. in 1995, joined nato s partnership peace , subsequently participated in peacekeeping missions in bosnia. meanwhile, part of constitutional law on neutrality of 1955 still valid not allow foreign military bases in austria.

austria attaches great importance participation in organisation economic co-operation , development , other international economic organisations, , has played active role in organization security , cooperation in europe (osce). osce-participating state, austria s international commitments subject monitoring under mandate of u.s. helsinki commission.


the manpower of austrian armed forces (german: bundesheer) relies on conscription. males have reached age of eighteen , found fit have serve 6 months compulsory military service, followed eight-year reserve obligation. both males , females @ age of sixteen eligible voluntary service. conscientious objection legally acceptable , claim right obliged serve institutionalised 9 months civilian service instead. since 1998, women volunteers have been allowed become professional soldiers.

the main sectors of bundesheer joint forces (streitkräfteführungskommando, skfükdo) consist of land forces (landstreitkräfte), air forces (luftstreitkräfte), international missions (internationale einsätze) , special forces (spezialeinsatzkräfte), next joint mission support command (kommando einsatzunterstützung; kdoeu) , joint command support centre (führungsunterstützungszentrum; füuz). austria landlocked country , has no navy.

in 2012, austria s defence expenditures corresponded approximately 0.8% of gdp. army has 26,000 soldiers, of whom 12,000 conscripts. head of state, austrian president nominally commander-in-chief of bundesheer. command of austrian armed forces exercised minister of defence, hans peter doskozil.

since end of cold war, , more importantly removal of former heavily guarded iron curtain separating austria , eastern bloc neighbours (hungary , former czechoslovakia), austrian military has been assisting austrian border guards in trying prevent border crossings illegal immigrants. assistance came end when hungary , slovakia joined eu schengen area in 2008, intents , purposes abolishing internal border controls between treaty states. politicians have called prolongation of mission, legality of heavily disputed. in accordance austrian constitution, armed forces may deployed in limited number of cases, defend country , aid in cases of national emergency, such in wake of natural disasters. may not used auxiliary police forces.

within self-declared status of permanent neutrality, austria has long , proud tradition of engaging in un-led peacekeeping , other humanitarian missions. austrian forces disaster relief unit (afdru), in particular, all-volunteer unit close ties civilian specialists (e.g. rescue dog handlers) enjoys reputation quick (standard deployment time 10 hours) , efficient sar unit. currently, larger contingents of austrian forces deployed in bosnia , kosovo.

administrative divisions

as federal republic, austria divided 9 states (german: bundesländer). these states divided districts (bezirke) , statutory cities (statutarstädte). districts subdivided municipalities (gemeinden). statutory cities have competencies otherwise granted both districts , municipalities. states not mere administrative divisions have legislative authority distinct federal government, e.g. in matters of culture, social care, youth , nature protection, hunting, building, , zoning ordinances. in recent years, has been discussed whether today appropriate small country maintain ten parliaments.


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