Literature and Cosmology Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood

in writings , speeches, mahmood has advocated nuclear sharing other islamic nations believed give rise muslim dominance in world. has written tafseer of quran in english.

mahmood reported fascinated role sunspots played in triggering french , russian revolutions, world war ii , assorted anti-colonial uprisings. according book cosmology , human destiny , mahmood argued sunspots have influenced major human events, including french revolution, russian revolution, , world war ii. concluded governments across world being subjected great emotional aggression under catalytic effect of abnormally high sunspot activity under adapt aggression natural solution problems . in book first published in 1998, predicts period 2007 2014 of great turmoil , destruction in world. other books written him include biography of islamic prophet muhammad titled first , last , while other books focused more on relation between islam , science miraculous quran, life after death , doomsday, , kitab-e-zindagi (in urdu).

one passage of book reportedly states: @ international level, terrorism rule; , in scenario use of mass destruction weapons cannot ruled out. millions, 2020, may die through mass destruction weapons, hunger, disease, street violence, terrorist attacks, , suicide.

mahmood s lifelong friend, parliamentarian farhatullah babar, serving spokesperson of president of pakistan, while talking media, said: mahmood predicted in cosmology , human destiny year 2002 year of maximum sunspot activity. means upheaval, particularly on south asia, possibility of nuclear exchanges .

mahmood has published papers concerning djinni, described in qur beings made of fire. has proposed djinni tapped solve energy crisis. think if develop our souls, can develop communication them, mr. bashiruddin mahmood said djinni in wall street journal in interview in 1988. every new idea has opponents, added. there no reason controversy on islam , science because there no conflict between islam , science.


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