History Varkey Foundation

1 history

1.1 launch
1.2 teacher training
1.3 global education , skills forum

1.3.1 teacher status index
1.3.2 global teacher prize
1.3.3 business backs education

1.4 additional projects

1.4.1 mgcubed
1.4.2 other projects


the foundation formed sunny varkey in 2010 strategic philanthropic arm of gems education, , called varkey gems foundation. stated intention impact 100 impoverished children every child enrolled @ gems schools, or 10 million children globally, via projects such enrollment , education-access initiatives, worldwide teacher-training programs, advocacy campaigns, policy input through strategic partnerships, , physical projects such building classrooms, schools, , learning centers. bill clinton launched foundation.

teacher training

beginning in 2013, foundation s teacher training programme committed train 250,000 teachers within 10 years in under-served communities across world. programme began in uganda in may 2013, , consists of low-cost, five-day training recipients cascade training further teachers in country. in first year programme trained 6,000 teachers in uganda, , mid 2015 had reached 12,000 teachers. program broadening other developing countries in africa , elsewhere.

the teacher training programme moves lessons away focusing on students ability remember , repeat facts; instead, focuses on encouraging students apply, analyse, , create based on remember. programme trains teachers create culture of personalised learning, greater student participation, cooperative learning activities, , exploration of ideas. rather relying on chalk , talk methods of standing @ front of classroom, teachers taught interact students, , accommodate different learning needs – including of pupils learn best through visual, auditory, or kinesthetic methods.

global education , skills forum

in 2013, foundation launched annual global education , skills forum, in partnership unesco , uae ministry of education. bill clinton gave inaugural keynote address @ 2013 summit.

the annual conference, meets in dubai in march each year, focuses on addressing world’s educational needs, including how achieve education hundreds of millions of uneducated or under-educated children in developing world. event attended hundreds of delegates 35 50 countries, , speakers , participants include education ministers, current , former heads of state, business leaders, academics, , representatives of governments , ngos. forum aims increase importance of global education issues in concerns of large-scale philanthropy, international aid, , businesses.

teacher status index

in october 2013, foundation published global teacher status index, 53-page study on public , social status of teachers in 21 countries around world. indian subcontinent , sub-saharan africa not included in survey. in-depth opinion polling done populus ltd, , 1,000 respondents polled in each country. half million data points collected regarding general public thinks teaching profession , teachers, , study examined public attitudes professional status, trust, pay, , desirability of teaching career.

teacher status in public eye found highest in china, greece, , turkey, , lowest in israel , brazil. u.s. , uk in middle. in china teachers regarded having same status doctors. in uk , other countries, teachers compared social workers, whereas in u.s., brazil, france, , turkey teachers regarded similar librarians, , therefore viewed less interactive students. parents in countries higher respect teachers more encourage children become teachers. in many countries – including japan, brazil, germany, france, , italy – between 1 third , 1 half of parents not encourage children enter teaching profession.

global teacher prize

in order raise status of teaching, @ second annual global education , skills forum in march 2014, foundation launched global teacher prize, annual $1 million award exceptional teacher has made outstanding contribution profession. nominations of teachers meet specific criteria open worldwide public, , teachers can nominate themselves. judging done global teacher prize academy, consisting of head teachers, education experts, commentators, journalists, public officials, tech entrepreneurs, company directors, , scientists around world. first annual prize received on 5,000 nominations 127 countries.

the global teacher prize, has been referred many journalists nobel prize teaching, highlights , celebrates profession, , in addition reveals thousands of stories of educators have transformed young people s lives. gives greater recognition work of millions of teachers on world, , varkey has asserted that, want promote teachers stars , support quality of education highlight enormous impact teachers have on our lives ; teaching needs important profession in world , ve got given due respect.

the first annual global teacher prize awarded in march 2015 nancie atwell, innovative , pioneering english teacher , teacher trainer in rural maine, founded , runs school students read average of 40 books year, choose books read, , write prolifically. atwell has authored 9 books on teaching, including 1 has sold more half million copies. donated $1 million prize upkeep, development, , scholarships of school, nonprofit center teaching , learning, demonstration school developing , disseminating teaching methods.

the 2016 prize awarded palestinian teacher, hanan al hroub. 2017 prize awarded inuit teacher, maggie macdonnell salluit, quebec, canada.

business backs education

in 2014 varkey foundation, unesco, co-created business backs education, global advocacy campaign encourages businesses, companies, , corporations support education same degree support other basic services such healthcare. bill clinton co-launched initiative, launched in march 2014 @ second annual global education , skills forum, , bbe held new york summit @ september 2014 annual meeting of clinton global initiative.

on grounds skills shortages negatively impact companies ability prosper , innovate, , inequalities in educational opportunity weaken social , political stability needed businesses thrive, bbe campaign recommends companies worldwide allocate @ least 20% of corporate social responsibility (csr) spending educational initiatives year 2020.

in january 2015 campaign published report, business backs education, analyzing charitable education donations of global top 500 companies, recommending education higher priority corporate social responsibility spending. study revealed fortune global 500 companies spend average of 13% of csr budget on education-related activities, , less half of fortune global 500 spend funds on education-related csr.

additional projects

in ghana, varkey foundation implements mgcubed – making ghana girls great – equips 2 classrooms in each ghanaian primary school computer, projector, satellite modem, , solar panels, creating interactive distance-learning platform deliver both formal in-school teaching , informal after-school training. project, funded uk s department international development (dfid), teaches 8,000 students in 72 ghanaian schools, , sub-saharan africa s first interactive distance-learning project. program, founded gems education solutions in 2014, aims prevent dropping out , under-achieving among girls. students participate more in these classes, in contrast standard system of learning rote, , video system cuts down on teacher absenteeism. each week, project brings in role model – successful ghanaian woman – speak students nationwide.

other projects

the varkey foundation engages in variety of projects , programs worldwide. of these additional projects include supporting unicef schools asia programme in philippines, papua new guinea, india, nepal, , vietnam; supporting professional development of teachers in palestine , providing pre-school education in palestine camps; , establishing learning resource centres in india.

the foundation has rebuilt damaged , destroyed schools in areas including kenya , pakistan; provided clean water , toilets in 25 schools in tanzania; , provided schools meals improve access education in india

some of varkey foundation s partners , grantees include unesco, unicef, clinton global initiative, oxfam, pratham, dubai cares, , brookings institution. varkey foundation offers strategic input , consultancy ngo partners, including special emphasis on campaigning on issues increase capacity of education systems in developing world.


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