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from onset of hostilities in south vietnam , kingdom of laos in 1960s, cambodia s prince norodom sihanouk had maintained delicate domestic , foreign policy balancing act. convinced of inevitable victory of communists in southeast asia , concerned future existence of government, sihanouk swung toward left in mid-1960s.

in 1966, sihanouk made agreement zhou en-lai of people s republic of china allow pavn , nlf forces establish base areas in cambodia , use port of sihanoukville delivery of military material. us, heavily involved in south vietnam, not eager openly violate asserted neutrality of cambodia, had been guaranteed geneva accord of 1954.

beginning in 1967, president lyndon b. johnson authorized covert reconnaissance operations military assistance command, vietnam studies , observations group. mission of highly classified unit obtain military intelligence on base areas (project vesuvius) presented sihanouk in hopes of changing position.

meeting in beijing: mao zedong (l), prince sihanouk (c), , liu shaoqi (r)

by late 1968, sihanouk, under pressure political right @ home , us, agreed more normalized relations americans. in july 1968, had agreed reopen diplomatic relations and, in august, formed government of national salvation under pro-us general lon nol. newly inaugurated president richard m. nixon, seeking means withdraw southeast asia , obtain peace honor , saw opening give time withdrawal, , time implement new policy of vietnamization. before diplomatic amenities sihanouk concluded, nixon had decided deal situation of pavn troops , supply bases in cambodia. had considered naval blockade of cambodian coast, talked out of joint chiefs of staff (jcs), believed sihanouk still convinced agree ground attacks against base areas.

on 30 january 1969, chairman of joint chiefs earle wheeler had suggested president authorize bombing of cambodian sanctuaries. seconded on 9 february u.s. commander in vietnam, general creighton w. abrams, submitted proposal bomb central office of south vietnam (cosvn), elusive headquarters of pavn/nlf southern operations, located somewhere in fishhook region of eastern cambodia.

on 22 february, during period following tết holidays, pavn/nlf forces launched offensive. nixon became more angered when communists launched rocket , artillery attacks against saigon, considered violation of agreement believed had been made when halted bombing of north vietnam in november 1968.

nixon, en route brussels meeting north atlantic treaty organization (nato) leaders, ordered national security advisor, dr. henry kissinger, prepare airstrikes against pavn/nlf base areas in cambodia reprisal. bombings serve 3 purposes: show nixon s tenacity; disable pavn s offensive capability disrupt withdrawal , vietnamization; , demonstrate determination, might pay dividends @ negotiating table in paris. cabled colonel alexander haig, national security council staff aide, meet him in brussels along colonel raymond b. sitton, former strategic air command officer on jcs staff, formulate plan of action.

by seeking advice high administration officials, nixon had delayed quick response explicitly linked provocation. decided respond next provocation , didn t have wait long. on 14 march, communist forces once again attacked south vietnam s urban areas , nixon ready.


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