19th century Austria

an ethno-linguistic map of austria–hungary, 1910

it emerged congress of vienna in 1815 1 of continent s 4 dominant powers , recognised great power. same year, german confederation (deutscher bund) founded under presidency of austria. because of unsolved social, political, , national conflicts, german lands shaken 1848 revolution aiming create unified germany.

the various different possibilities united germany were: greater germany, or greater austria or german confederation without austria @ all. austria not willing relinquish german-speaking territories become german empire of 1848, crown of newly formed empire offered prussian king friedrich wilhelm iv. in 1864, austria , prussia fought against denmark , secured independence denmark of duchies of schleswig , holstein. not agree on how 2 duchies should administered, though, fought austro-prussian war in 1866. defeated prussia in battle of königgrätz, austria had leave german confederation , subsequently no longer took part in german politics.

the austro-hungarian compromise of 1867, ausgleich, provided dual sovereignty, austrian empire , kingdom of hungary, under franz joseph i. austrian-hungarian rule of diverse empire included various slavic groups, including croats, czechs, poles, rusyns, serbs, slovaks, slovenes, , ukrainians, large italian , romanian communities.

as result, ruling austria–hungary became increasingly difficult in age of emerging nationalist movements, requiring considerable reliance on expanded secret police. yet, government of austria tried best accommodating in respects: reichsgesetzblatt, publishing laws , ordinances of cisleithania, issued in 8 languages; national groups entitled schools in own language , use of mother tongue @ state offices, example.

many austrians of different social circles such georg ritter von schönerer , karl lueger promoted strong pan-germanism in hope of reinforcing ethnic german identity , annexation of austria germany. although bismarck s policies excluded austria , german austrians germany, many austrian pan-germans idolized him , wore blue cornflowers, known favourite flower of german emperor william i, in buttonholes, along cockades in german national colours (black, red, , yellow), although both temporarily banned in austrian schools, way show discontent towards multi-ethnic empire.

a lot of austrian pan-german nationalists protested passionately against minister-president kasimir count badeni s language decree of 1897, made german , czech co-official languages in bohemia , required new government officials fluent in both languages. meant in practice civil service exclusively hire czechs, because middle-class czechs spoke german language, not other way around. support of ultramontane catholic politicians , clergy reform triggered launch of away rome (german: los-von-rom) movement, initiated supporters of schönerer , called on german christians leave roman catholic church.


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