Precursors and origins New York, Westchester and Boston Railway

tammany hall on east 14th street between third avenue , irving place

j.p. morgan

in 1871 southern westchester railroad incorporated run southern edge of westchester county (now bronx) @ harlem river westchester county seat, white plains, along same general route taken nyw&b. 1875, enterprise went foreclosure , liquidated in 1881. in 1872, new york, westchester , boston railway company (nyw&b) incorporated serve areas north of new york city, lines running harlem river throgs neck in bronx, , port chester white plains in westchester county. panic of 1873 denied venture financing construction. entered receivership on march 20, 1875, not emerging until 1904.

starting in 1874 portions of westchester county made part of new york city, process complete 1898, bronx in current configuration. put of nyw&b franchise under control of city of new york — meaning new york democratic organization, tammany hall. in 1901, while nyw&b still in receivership, harlem river & port chester railroad (hr&pc) incorporated build route harlem river port chester, parallel nyw&b route , new york, new haven & hartford railroad(nh) main line. meanwhile, nyw&b emerged receivership on january 14, 1904 , began acquiring additional real estate rights route. in 1906 bankers oakleigh thorne , marsden j. perry bought stock of nyw&b on behalf of millbrook company, holding entity. after panic of 1907, assets of millbrook company transferred on nh $11 million, becoming part of company s emerging consolidated monopoly on rail , water transportation in southern new england. lawsuit between ny&p , nyw&b settled ny&p franchise being acquired nyw&b in 1909 , ny&p being consolidated nyw&b following year. on january 18, 1910, reorganized entity consolidated under control of nh, inheriting business arrangements made while under direct control of financier j.p. morgan.


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