Imagery and interpretations Rock carvings at Alta

1 imagery , interpretations

1.1 animals

1.1.1 bears

1.2 hunting , fishing scenes
1.3 scenes of mundane life , scenes of rituals
1.4 geometric symbols

imagery , interpretations

a herd of elks, 2 pregnant females in foreground.

possible explanations include use in shamanistic rituals, totemistic symbols denoted tribal unity or marked tribe s territory, kind of historical record of important events, or simple artistic pleasure. since individual carvings show such wide array of different images , carvings created on extremely long period of time, seems plausible individual carvings might have served of purposes listed above. of more common types of images listed below:


a wide array of animals depicted on carved scenes; among them, reindeer predominant , shown in large herds alternatively nurtured , hunted. depictions of reindeer behind fences indicate large cooperative hunting of these animals. other animals appear elk, various bird species , different kinds of fish. pregnant animals depicted young 1 visible inside of mother.

a carving visible fences, showing large hunting drives.


bears seem have played special role in carvers culture: feature prominently in many carvings , appear not animals hunted depicted in positions seem indicate bears worshipped in form of cult (which seems plausible since bear cults known in many old cultures of northwestern russia in sami culture). of special interest tracks coming out of bear dens: shown tracks leading vertically through carved image , crossing horizontal tracks of other animals. has led researchers speculate bears might have been in way connected cult of afterlife (or death in general) since vertical tracks seem indicate ability of bears pass between different layers of world. depiction of bears seems have ceased around 1700 bc; might indicate change in religious beliefs around time.

hunting , fishing scenes

a man using sort of tool on elk. scene has alternatively been interpreted hunter fighting elk or shaman communicating in way animal.

many scenes depicting humans show hunters stalking prey; these scenes have traditionally been explained being connected hunting rituals, although current researchers seem favor more complicated explanations see depictions of different hunting , fishing actions symbols individual tribes , interrelations of different hunting , fishing carvings symbolic representations of existing or wished-for intertribal relations. use of throwing spears , of bows , arrows evident earliest period, indicating use of these tools known carvers culture time. similarly, fishermen exclusively shown using fishing-lines, indicating method of creating hooks , using bait known carvers.

of special interest depiction of boats: while small fishing boats appear earliest drawings onward, later drawings show larger , larger boats, carrying 30 people , being equipped elaborate, animal-shaped decorations on bow , stern reminiscent of found on viking longboats. this, along fact similar carvings of large boats have been found in coastal regions in southern norway, seems indicate long distance voyages along coast either direction.

scenes of mundane life , scenes of rituals

it difficult judge meaning of scenes showing interactions between humans; scenes apparently showing dance, preparation of food or sexual interactions might display performance of rituals. additionally, if these carvings in fact show episodes mundane life, remains mysterious why these specific scenes carved rock. depictions of sexuality might connected fertility rituals, scenes show people cooking , preparing food might have been meant ensure abundance of food. scenes show different societal positions of humans depicted, indicated peculiar headgear , more prominent positions of wearers of special headgear among fellow humans; these have alternatively been explained priests or shamans or rulers of tribe. if interpretation of prominent persons rulers correct, these scenes might display events of historical significance, such ascension of ruler, royal marriages or diplomatic relations between tribes.

geometric symbols

among mysterious of carvings images of geometric symbols, found predominantly among oldest carvings of area. of these circular objects, of surrounded fringes, others show intricate patterns of horizontal , vertical lines. while of these objects have been explained tools or similar objects (the line patterns, example, explained fishing nets), of these symbols remain unexplainable.


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