Mudflats Bay mud

when mud layer exposed @ tidal fringe, mudflats result affording unique ecotone affords numerous shorebird species safe feeding , resting habitat. because muds function quicksand, heavier mammalian predators not cannot gain traction pursuit, become trapped in sinking muds. muds important substrate primary marsh productivity including eelgrass, cordgrass , pickleweed. furthermore, home large variety of molluscs , estuarine arthropods. richardson bay, example, exposes 1 third of areal extent mudflat @ low tide, hosts productive eelgrass expanse , large shorebird community.

mammals such harbor seal may use mudflats haul out of estuary waters; however, larger mammals such humpback whales may become accidentally stranded @ low tides. note humpback whales not frequent estuaries containing mudflats, @ least 1 errant whale, publicized media humphrey humpback whale, became stuck on mudflat in san francisco bay @ sierra point in brisbane, california.


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