Signs and symptoms Bed bug infestation

1 signs , symptoms

1.1 skin
1.2 psychological
1.3 other

signs , symptoms

bedbug bites

bedbug bites


individual responses bites vary, ranging no visible effect (in 20–70%), small macular spots, prominent wheals , bullae formations along intense itching may last several days. bites occur in line. central hemorrhagic spot may occur due release of anticoagulants in saliva.

symptoms may not appear until days after bites have occurred. reactions become more brisk after multiple bites due possible sensitization salivary proteins of bed bug. skin reaction occurs in area of bite commonly arms, shoulders , legs more exposed @ night. numerous bites may lead erythematous rash or urticaria.


serious infestations , chronic attacks can cause anxiety, stress, , insomnia. development of refractory delusional parasitosis possible, person develops overwhelming obsession bed bugs.


a number of other symptoms may occur either bite of bed bugs or exposure. anaphylaxis injection of serum , other nonspecific proteins has been documented. due each bite taking tiny amount of blood, chronic or severe infestation may lead anemia. bacterial skin infection may occur due skin break down scratching. systemic poisoning may occur if bites numerous. exposure bed bugs may trigger asthma attack via effects of airborne allergens although evidence of association limited. there no evidence bed bugs transmit infectious diseases though appear physically capable of carrying pathogens , possibility has been investigated. bite may painful resulting in poor sleep , worse work performance.

similar humans, pets can bitten bed bugs. signs left bites same in case of people , cause identical symptoms (skin irritation, scratching etc).


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