Nupedia and Wikipedia Larry Sanger

the bomis staff in summer of 2000. sanger second left in front row seated.

nupedia s logo

nupedia web-based encyclopedia articles, written volunteer contributors possessing relevant subject matter expertise , reviewed editors prior publication, licensed free content. co-founded jimmy wales , underwritten bomis, sanger hired editor-in-chief. in february 2000, sanger began oversee nupedia. developed review process articles , recruited editors. articles reviewed through nupedia s e-mail system before being posted on site. wales , sanger frustrated @ slow progress of nupedia, in january 2001, sanger proposed wiki created spur article development, , result of proposal wikipedia, officially launched on january 15, 2001. intended collaborative wiki public write entries fed nupedia review process of expertise, majority of nupedia s experts wanted little project. originally, bomis planned make wikipedia profitable.

shortly after blank wiki set sanger wrote initial pages , promoted site. surprise of sanger , wales, within few days of launching, wikipedia had outgrown nupedia, , small community of editors gathered. virtue of position nupedia, sanger ran project, , formulated of original policy, including ignore rules , neutral point of view , , verifiability . wikipedia took off, months after launched, things started go off rails, sanger says, , summer of 2001 new online community being overrun described trolls , anarchist-types , opposed idea should have kind of authority others not . sanger responded proposing stronger emphasis expert editors, individuals authority resolve disputes , enforce rules.

tired of endless content battles , feeling had lack of support wales, sanger left project. sanger paid editor of wikipedia, status held january 15, 2001, until march 1, 2002. in 2002 bomis announced plans sell advertising on wikipedia in part pay sanger s job, project against commercialization. sanger worked on , promoted both nupedia , wikipedia projects until bomis discontinued funding position in february 2002 after collapse in internet advertising spending; sanger resigned editor-in-chief of nupedia , chief organizer of wikipedia on march 1. sanger s stated reason ending participation in wikipedia , nupedia volunteer not justice task part-time volunteer. nupedia shut down in 2003, shortly after wikipedia s second anniversary.

origins of wikipedia

a screenshot of wikipedia s main page on september 28, 2002.

wales started play down sanger s role in founding of project in 2005, few years after sanger left wikipedia. in light of wales view, sanger posted on personal webpage several links supported role co-founder. sanger identified co-founder of wikipedia @ least september 2001. wales identified himself in august 2002 co-founder of wikipedia. sanger said while organizing wikipedia, wales in background , focused on wales stated in 2005 had heard of wiki concept in 2001 not sanger, instead jeremy rosenfeld. wales stated in october 2001 larry (who) had idea use wiki software separate project.

the critical concept of marrying 3 fundamental elements of wikipedia, namely encyclopedia, wiki, , unrestricted editorial access public, first took form when sanger met old friend, ben kovitz. meeting occurred @ dinner on january 2, 2001, , here sanger first introduced functionality of wiki software. kovitz computer programmer , regular on ward cunningham s wiki. sanger thought wiki platform use , decided present idea jimmy wales, @ time head of bomis. sanger proposed wiki concept wales , suggested applied nupedia and, after initial skepticism, wales agreed try it.

it jimmy wales, along other people, came broader idea of open-source, collaborative encyclopedia accept contributions ordinary people , wales invested in it. sanger came name wikipedia , later said silly name @ first silly project . sanger first conceived of wiki-based encyclopedia project means accelerate nupedia s slow growth. during wikipedia s critical first year of growth, sanger spearheaded , guided following gathered around nucleus. through period, served wikipedia s chief organizer , position has not been filled since departure wikipedia. sanger credited creating , enforcing many of policies , strategy made wikipedia possible during first formative year.

by may 2001 there 3,900 articles. end of year in 2001, site had 15,000 articles , upwards of 350 wikipedians.


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