Distinct uses of the term "Judaizers" Judaizers

1 distinct uses of term judaizers

1.1 adherence gentile christians torah laws given israelites
1.2 adherence gentile christians torah laws intended gentiles
1.3 adherence gentile christians torah laws , talmud gentiles
1.4 continuance of observance of torah jews have converted christianity

distinct uses of term judaizers
adherence gentile christians torah laws given israelites

that gentile christians should convert judaism , obey laws of moses assumption of in church, represented pharisees had become believers in acts 15 (acts 15:5). jewish christian version of opinion within judaism gentiles should convert judaism in order right god (see convert judaism). paul opposed position, jewish christian version of opposite opinion in judaism, concluding gentiles did not need convert , obey entire law of moses. see hellenistic judaism. conflict between saint paul , opponents reason council of jerusalem (see acts 15:1–35). here james, paul, , other leaders of christian movement agreed gentile converts needed follow 3 exceptions (acts 15:20,29; counted four), laws coincide judaism s 7 laws of noah said established god humankind (see genesis 9:1–17). apostolic decree, still observed in full orthodox church (which not interpret decree requiring use of kosher meat), similar adopted rabbinic judaism, teaches gentiles need follow noachide laws assured of place in world come. see dual-covenant theology.

adherence gentile christians torah laws intended gentiles

the 3 exceptions resolved council of acts 15 indicate apostles accepted portions of law of moses (the torah) intended gentiles (later known laws of noah) apply gentile christians. extra-biblical evidence shows that, @ least in areas (especially in east), included observances beyond 3 exceptions, such christianized form of passover, day of atonement, , sabbath. other gentile christian communities (especially in west), evolved in increasingly anti-jewish direction interpreted paul s teaching mean torah laws redundant salvation faith available through jesus atoning death . latter point of view, practice associated judaism came seen rejection of god s salvific gift, prohibition of blood listed among 3 exceptions in acts 15 (though prohibition of blood rejected in western church , not until middle ages). while acts 15 gives example of new believers subject when entering house of god, verse 21 states gentiles learn ways of moses in way has been done. prohibitions against fornication , idolatry still observed christian denominations although these appear in jewish law. see antinomianism , marcionism , law of christ.

adherence gentile christians torah laws , talmud gentiles

“probably best description of judaizers in acts 15:1: , men came down judea , taught brethren, , said, unless circumcised according custom of moses, cannot saved. … circumcision performed purpose of being saved meant full, formal conversion judaism, complete baptism judaism , embracing of rabbis entire oral law (probably law peter had in mind when referred yoke ... neither our fathers nor able bear) ... judaizers believed conversion process turn gentile believer full-fledged jew, , without gentile not saved. without complete, formal conversion judaism, gentile believer not become full-fledged member of saved messianic community, judaizers said ... no scripture-loving jew describe written torah unbearable yoke. see psalm 19 , psalm 119.

continuance of observance of torah jews have converted christianity

this behavior particularly persecuted 1300 1800 during spanish , portuguese inquisitions, using basis many references in pauline epistles regarding law curse , futility of relying on law attaining salvation, known legalism. thus, in spite of paul s agreement @ council of jerusalem, gentile christianity came understand torah laws (with exception of ten commandments , natural law) anathema, not gentile christians christians of jewish extraction. under spanish inquisition, penalty converted jew judaizing death burning.


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