Activity in Latter Day Saint church Warren Parrish

1 activity in latter day saint church

1.1 baptism brigham young
1.2 mission missouri
1.3 participation in zion s camp
1.4 attempts @ translation
1.5 preaching in tennessee
1.6 scribe joseph smith

activity in latter day saint church
baptism brigham young

parrish married elizabeth patten, sister of david w. patten, 1 of original latter day saint apostles. patten records on may 20, 1833, brother brigham young came theresa, indian river falls, had been bearing testimony relatives; , after preaching several discourses, baptized brothers archibald , ira patten, warren parrish, cheeseman , mother , sister, polly.

mission missouri

in september 1834, parrish , patten traveled throughout upper missouri preach gospel. patten reports baptized twenty, during time several instances of healing power of god made manifest.

participation in zion s camp

in 1834, joseph smith said received revelation god, calling militia raised in kirtland march missouri , redeem zion. parrish volunteered join group of 200 men form militia, became known zion s camp.

in 1835, parrish joined leadership of church member of first quorum of seventy.

attempts @ translation

joseph smith recorded in journal parrish had been promised ability know of hidden things , endowed knowledge of hidden languages. during fall of 1835, parrish, along oliver cowdery, william w. phelps , frederick g. williams, attempted unsuccessfully make translations of characters book of abraham papyrii matching them english sentences smith had produced. parrish , phelps produced set of documents called grammar & a[l]phabet of egyptian language.

preaching in tennessee

in may 1836, parrish traveled kirtland tennessee join patten , wilford woodruff. according woodruff, traveled through kentucky , tennessee preaching word of god, healing sick, , spirit of god , attended our ministrations. during time, parrish, woodruff , patten arrested local sheriff @ urging of matthew williams, methodist minister, claimed making false prophecies. group accused of preaching christ come second time before generation passed away , 4 individuals should received holy ghost within twenty-four hours. mock trial held in not allowed speak, @ end of pronounced guilty. later released unharmed on condition pay court costs , leave area within ten days.

scribe joseph smith

parrish scribe , secretary church founder , president joseph smith, in kirtland, ohio, 1835 1837.


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