Social democracy Swedish Social Democratic Party

social democratic leader , prime minister olof palme in 1970s

logo of party between 1967 , 1987

under social democrats administration, sweden retained neutrality, foreign policy guideline, during wars of twentieth century, including cold war. neutrality preserved swedish economy , boosted sweden s economic competitiveness in first half of twentieth century, other european countries economies devastated war. under olof palme s social democratic leadership sweden further aggravated hostility of united states political conservatives when palme openly denounced aggression in vietnam. u.s. president richard nixon suspended diplomatic ties social democratic country. in 2003, top-ranking social democratic party politician anna lindh—who criticized u.s. invasion of iraq, both israeli , palestinian atrocities, , lead figure promoting european union in sweden—was assassinated in public in stockholm. lindh succeed göran persson in party leadership, death disruptive party campaign promote adoption of emu (euro) in sweden. neutrality policy has changed contemporary ascendance of bourgeois coalition, , sweden has committed troops support , uk s interventions in afghanistan. under social democratic governance relatively strong overseas humanitarian programs , comparatively well-developed refugee program have been implemented, , reformed.


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