Mechanisms Acute biphenotypic leukaemia

t(9,22) translocation

mll gene encode histone-lysine n-methyltransferase (hrx), histone methyltransferase. positive regulator gene transcription. has been shown associates host cell facor c1, creb binding protein, wdr5, ctbp, men1, etc. rearrangement of mll related different kinds of aggressive acute leukemias. of biphenotypic leukemia in children due rearrangement of mll

protein mll pdb 2j2s

besides them, other gene abnormalities has been reported. such t(8;21), t(15;17), del(6q), del(12p), t(x;12) , t(14;19). in bal patients, prone bruising, spotting, due megakaryocytes produce platelets decrease, resulting in lack of platelets.

anemia: reduction metrocytes produce red blood cells, resulting in lack of red blood cells. patients prone asthma , dizziness in walking or exercise.

persistent fever, infection prolonged healing: of white blood cells leukemia cells, no normal function, leading decreased immunity, susceptible infection.


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