Certificates Irish Film Classification Office

1 certificates

1.1 cinematic certificates
1.2 home video certificates
1.3 standard cinematic-home video certification crossover

1.3.1 home video

1.4 video games

cinematic certificates

the current cinematic certificates issued are:

g – general: suitable all
pg – parental guidance: suitable children aged 8 , older; parents advised accompany younger children.
12a – minimum age admission 12, younger children can admitted if accompanied adult (12pg between 1 june 2001 - 1 january 2005).
15a – minimum age admission 15, younger children can admitted if accompanied adult (15pg between 1 june 2001 - 1 january 2005).
16 – minimum age admission 16; younger viewers not admitted under circumstance (introduced on 1 january 2005).
18 – minimum age admission 18; younger viewers not admitted under circumstance.

home video certificates

the current certificates home video formats such dvd , blu-ray issued are:

g – general: suitable all
pg – suitable general viewing, parents advised watch children younger 12 years old.
12 – suitable people aged 12 , over, , not supplied below age.
15 – suitable people aged 15 , over, , not supplied below age.
18 – suitable people aged 18 , over, , not supplied below age.

standard cinematic-home video certification crossover

this crossover, or change, in certificate happen when film has been shown in cinemas, released on home video, applies if:

there no material (bonuses, trailers, etc.) not appropriate main feature, , cause receive higher certificate.
the film has not been edited (material taken out, etc.) in way cause main feature receive lower certificate.

if above information applies home video release, please see below table.

the standard crossovers follows:

note: certificate 12ra did not have corresponding cinematic certificate, , thus, did not have standard crossover (certain 12a films received certificate before withdrawn in mid 2000s).

if 2 rules above apply film s home video release, then, generally, re-rated completely, not mean certificates coincide formats, (usually dvd or blu-ray) 1 edition contain features while other not, causing 1 re-rated, , other take standard crossover (for instance, film received 15a certificate in cinemas may have received 15 certificate on vhs 18 certificate on dvd; dvds in these circumstances carry label on reverse, informing viewers of this).

home video

a censor s stamp on 2004 dvd

until february 2009, home video certificates certificate surrounded octagon, followed words film censor s office , oifig scrÚdÓir na scannÁn , surrounded another, larger, octagon. colours cyan , white, order appear in varied. although office renamed in july 2008, these continued bear old name until february 2009, altered read irish film classification office , irish equivalent.

video games

unlike bbfc in uk, prior pegi ratings becoming legally enforceable in uk on 30 july 2012 rated video games met criteria (such graphic violence), irish film censor s office not rate video games, leaving ratings pegi, unless game s content deemed prohibitable under section 3 (1) of act.

ifco ratings video games introduced in 2001 , retired in 2003. although silent hill collection released in 2006, contained re-releases of second , third games, rated , released in 2001 , 2003 respectively.

only 9 games have ever been submitted , rated ifco:

bonus dvd came game.
compilation of games rated separately ifco.

despite lack of legally binding ratings, (if not all) video game retailers attempt prohibit sale of pegi 18+ rated games people under age of 18, , prior pegi ratings same done bbfc 18 ratings on games (the same packaging used in games sold in ireland in uk).

the prohibition notice video game issued manhunt 2 in 2007.


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