Beginning of the uprising Saint George's Night Uprising

padise abbey.

on saint george s night (april 23) 1343, signal given setting fire house on hilltop coordinated attack on foreigners in harria. plan “kill germans along wives , children. , happened, because started slay virgins, women, servants, maidservants, noblemen , commoners, young , old; all, of german blood, had die.” according younger livonian rhymed chronicle, after renouncing christianity, rebel forces crisscrossed whole province of harria, burned down manors of nobility , killed germans fell in hands. among others, burned down cistercian padise abbey , massacred 28 monks had failed escape. chronicle adds german women or children spared men killed women proceeded burn down churches , huts of monks.

after initial success, estonians elected 4 kings amongst themselves. kings along rebel army proceeded danish-held reval (tallinn) , laid siege on city 10,000 men. in first battle under tallinn estonians victorious on knights. however, leaders of rebellion worried once germans , danes recovered initial shock, estonian government might not able withstand combined onslaught of enemies. therefore, sent delegation swedish bailiffs of Åbo , viborg , let them know germans in harria had been killed. told them estonian army had laid siege on reval, willing hand danish city on king of sweden if swedes sent help. bailiffs promised raise army , sail estonia.


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