Reception Sense and Sensibility (2008 miniseries)

1 reception

1.1 ratings
1.2 critical response
1.3 awards , nominations


the first episode of sense , sensibility attracted 5.54 million viewers upon first broadcast in united kingdom, giving twenty per cent of audience share broadcast time. second episode posted small increase of 5.74 million viewers, while concluding part attracted audience of 6.76 million.

critical response

sense , sensibility received positive reviews critics. however, jane austen society criticised being raunchy , accused davies of degrading fine english literature , after included seduction scene in opening episode. chairman of society, patrick stokes, stated, sexing story says more bbc jane austen. lowering degrading fine english literature in battle ratings. while draws people s attention works, there not lot can if makes hash of it. bbc spokesman believed drama not overtly sexual , stated had received no complaints it, though did several calls viewers expressing appreciation series.

melinda houston, writing age, called sense , sensibility gorgeous adaptation of frivolous work , added, s beautifully made, beautifully cast, , script snaps , crackles. maybe eleanor isn t quite flawed drawn s unlikely detract enjoyment. lenny ann low sydney morning herald stated, locations, costumes , acting excellent, particularly striking use of light – cold , grey skies foretelling doom through rich candlelight signalling new passions. new york times critic ginia bellafante said, there s nothing glaringly wrong new sense , sensibility, last in masterpiece s winter-long homage austen; both lush , tidy. alters emotional chemistry, , result adaptation feels more arid mr. lee s effort.

nancy banks-smith guardian called sense , sensibility charmingly domestic , spontaneous treatment of story , adding had become younger sister of lee s 1995 film. variety s brian lowry commented, latest sense & sensibility has done splendid job casting various roles, despite inevitable wattage deficit compared recent theatrical version. davies , director john alexander have taken liberties crafting scenes of men (something austen herself never did) – having steely brandon, example, pull willoughby aside question intentions toward marianne. featuring top-drawer cast, filmmakers create several delicate moments – willoughby s elegant seduction of marianne stoic elinor s pining elusive edward who, played stevens, adorably stammers in hugh grant-like way.

serena davies daily telegraph praised first episode, calling faithful spirit of book , stating series deftly stepped out of shadows of 2 formidable predecessors: ang lee s gorgeous 1995 film version of novel, , scriptwriter andrew davies s own masterpiece, pride , prejudice. davies enjoyed morahan s luminous performance elinor, williams , morrissey s turns sir john , colonel brandon respectively, although thought opening scene misconceived . davies colleague, james walton, proclaimed, in end, sense , sensibility perhaps brilliantly competent rather surpassingly brilliant. nevertheless, still proved enough costume-drama year off hugely enjoyable start.

awards , nominations

the crew of sense , sensibility garnered several award nominations work on drama. @ 14th shanghai television festival, series nominated magnolia award best television film or miniseries, alexander won best television film director award, while morahan won best performance actress in television film turn elinor dashwood. davies nominated in writer s award category @ 35th broadcasting press guild awards screenplay, , clapton received nomination outstanding costume design television movie or mini-series @ costume designers guild awards. work on score, phipps earned nominations bafta television craft award best original television music , creative arts emmy award outstanding music composition miniseries, movie or special. cinematographer sean bobbitt nominated emmy award in cinematography miniseries, movie or special category.


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