Overview Shorinji Kempo

1 overview

1.1 honbu
1.2 organizations
1.3 national federations
1.4 shaolin monastery
1.5 emblem


there 2 sides of shorinji kempo believed true budō (武道) , educational system. latter, organization known mental training institution body training facilities dōjō (道場).

the founder, doshin so, wanted establish not organization incorporated mental , physical training wanted educate japanese people had been demoralized world war ii. aim defuse had lost way , rebuild japan future. said tried teach buddhist philosophy no 1 followed him. later on, reportedly saw vision of bodhidharma, inspired him pursue teaching martial arts, bodhidharma believed have done so. both of these later become main training methods of shorinji kempo.

technically, shorinji kempo has whole set of defense techniques demonstration known embu (演武) commonly demonstrated technique. embu consists of (typically) 6 sections , each section includes series of gōhō (剛法) or hard techniques , jūhō (柔法) or soft techniques. during embu, 1 person attacks , person defends, swap roles , repeat technique immediately. each technique known hien (飛燕) or flying swallow represents speed , smoothness of techniques. embu performed wearing black robe, called hōi (法衣) @ beginning ceremony of annual taikai (大会) or convention.


headquartered in tadotsu town, kagawa prefecture (in shikoku island) in japan.


hondo (main dojo/hall)
kodo (lecture hall)
rensei-dojo (former 1st dojo)
shokudo (dining room)
daigan-toh (memorial tower)
zenrin gakuen (college house)

the bones , ashes of doshin buried behind lecture hall.


the organization of shorinji kempo group divided 5 entities:

religious entity (金剛禅総本山少林寺: kongō-zen sōhon-zan shōrinji),
foundation entity shorinji kempo foundation federation (一般財団法人少林寺拳法連盟: ippan-zaidan-hōjin shōrinji-kempō renmei),
educational entity zenrin gakuen college (学校法人禅林学園: gakkō-hōjin zenrin gakuen),
global entity world shorinji kempo organization, wsko (少林寺拳法世界連合: shōrinji-kempō sekai rengō),
intellectual property entity (一般社団法人shorinji kempo unity: ippan-shadan-hōjin shōrinji-kempō yunitī).

the relationship between these 5 entities close because of unique fusion of religion, martial arts, , education. (source: web site of shorinji kempo foundation federation , shorinji kempo kyohan written doshin so)

national federations

shorinji kempo foundation federation (japan)
indonesian shorinji kempo federation
malaysian shorinji kempo federation
swiss shorinji kempo federation
finnish shorinji kempo federation
swedish shorinji kempo federation
italian shorinji kempo federation
french shorinji kempo federation
german shorinji kempo federation
spanish shorinji kempo federation
portuguese shorinji kempo federation
ukrainian shorinji kempo federation
united kingdom shorinji kempo federation
united states shorinji kempo federation

the shaolin monastery

the mural painting in shaolin monastery in doshin took heavy influence from.

the name shōrinji literal reading of chinese shaolin temple shaolin monastery in henan province, china. dōshin sō claimed have inherited title of 21st master of giwamon-ken (義和門拳) system (in mandarin: yihe mén quán) believed have been used during boxer rebellion of 1899 1901.

dōshin sō impressed see paintings on wall of byakue-den (白衣殿) chapel @ shaolin temple. style of monks practicing martial arts fresh , vital him. believed origin of existing quanfa in china. (source: book hiden shorinji kempo 秘伝少林寺拳法「光文社」written doshin so, published kobun-sha kappa books)


the so-en emblem

the swastika, called manji in japanese, emblem shorinji kempo, used in dharmic religions, many cultures around world, centuries. swastika can either mean love (left-facing) , strength (right-facing) symbolize kongo-zen teaching. however, given social stigma swastika carries, wsko replaced character 拳 (ken), means fist , in center of tate-manji (swastika guarded shields) on emblem or using nagare-manji meant rounded swastika .

in 2005, shorinji kempo group has employed new symbol international shorinji kempo federations. new mark called so-en (double circle) , said extreme shape of 2 swastikas intertwined. so-en emblem put on training uniform (keikogi), belt (obi), , hōi, black robe worn high-ranking practitioners during exhibitions.

the swastika however, still adorns shorinji kempo headquarters , temple, in tadotsu.


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